A Bespoke Journey Tailored Exclusively For Cigar Connoisseurs

Indulge in the RHJ, Artisan Cigar & Tobacco Company’s Private Cigar Bar Experience.

A private Cigar Bar Experience is the pinnacle of luxury, offering an intimate setting where you and your guests can relish the finest cigars, premium bartending, glass service, and the meticulous planning of a private cigar-tasting event.

RHJ offers a curated selection of premium cigars, and you have the option to customize your event with a range of cigar choices, spirits, and pairing options; ensuring your event is uniquely yours.

Your private party includes a dedicated bartender, crystal glassware, and our event coordination team to plan and execute a flawless cigar-tasting soirée.

After discussing your preferences and needs, our event coordinator will provide a tailored proposal. Once we have your approval, we’ll secure your chosen date, and our team will begin planning your unforgettable private Cigar Bar Experience.

This is your passport to an extraordinary cigar event, meticulously designed to delight and impress your guests. Celebrate life’s special moments with sophistication and style.

Choose RHJ for the expertise and passion we bring to every event. Our commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and unparalleled service make RHJ the ideal choice for creating unforgettable moments.

 Currently hosting private cigar parties in Virginia and New Jersey.


enjoy the experience

Your very own private cigar bar event begins with a conversation.

Getting started is as simple as making a phone call to RHJ, Artisan Cigar & Tobacco Company.

Contact us today to embark on your journey towards hosting the ultimate cigar enthusiast’s experience, and let’s transform your vision into a reality.