Ready to Design a Personalized Cigar Label?
There’s a perfect way to elevate your cigar smoking experience. Bring your personal styles and musings to life with cigar bands that are as unique as you are.
RHJ Artisan Cigar Tobacco Company gives you the chance to indulge in your artistic visions. Our Artisan Cigar Band Designers talk to you about your inspirations and bring your ideas to life in the form of customized cigar labels.
Contact us today for a unique journey toward crafting a cigar band that captures your memories, milestones, and life events. Let the richness of your experiences be etched into the very essence of your cigar.
It’s not just tobacco; it’s a celebration of your story.
Reach out to RHJ’s artisans and embark on a creative dialogue – together, we’ll design a band that makes every puff a reminiscence and every cigar a masterpiece.
Cigar Band Customization and Printing
Celebrate special occasions with a personalized cigar using our custom RHJ cigar bands.
Cigars are an ideal gift for just about any occasion be it a wedding or a birth announcement. Nowadays cigars are also used for business events. Add a special personalized touch to cigars by getting custom cigar bands crafted by RHJ. This unique design will bring a whole new dimension to your typical cigars.
Such a band will commemorate the occasion for which you are gifting the cigar. Custom cigar labels are not only perfect for special occasions like weddings or bachelor parties but also can be used by restaurants, for promotional giveaways, for trade shows, and even for golf pro shops.
Now that’s really great. RHJ custom cigar bands are really in vogue these days.
- Some of the reasons for their growing popularity are:
The first and most obvious reason is that they let you add your exclusive touch to your cigar. - These cigar labels are printed using full-color commercial printers. So you get the best color quality which will surely mesmerize the lucky person who gets the gift.
- You can get these bands in any color you desire and many of our designs even let you add a photograph to your cigar labels.
Clients often walk away with everything they dreamed of and more! Custom cigar labels without a doubt can work wonders for just any event. If you want your event to be a sure shot success, place an order for customized cigar labels right away. We are sure your guests will love you for giving such a wonderful gift.
Event Inspiration for Personalized Cigar Bands By RHJ
A custom cigar band is a quick and easy way to celebrate an engagement, graduation, or promotion. Design your cigar labels with any message including important dates, names, and places. Personalized cigar bands turn a good cigar into a great one!
Here are a few popular common uses and occasions for RHJ custom-designed cigar labels:
Special Announcements
Celebrate promotions, graduations, and more with a congratulatory cigar.
Engagements & Weddings
Customize cigar bands with the date, place, and names of the lucky couple.
Raise a glass and a cigar to big milestones with custom cigar labels.
Birth Announcements
Let everyone know your baby has arrived with a cigar featuring a personalized cigar band. Put the baby’s name, weight, date, and time they arrived right on the cigar label.
Celebrate big birthdays like a 21st, 40th, 50th, or 60th with a personalized cigar. Hand them out or create a cigar bar for the festivities.
Business or Corporate Cigars
Use customized cigar labels to welcome a client, brand your company, or mark big milestones and successes.
Promotional Items
Promote your business, product, or service with the perfect promotional giveaway item. They’re sure to impress everybody at your next tradeshow.
Golf & Country Club Outings
Spice up the round with personalized cigar labels. They’re a fun way to impress friends or customers during tournaments and company golf outings.
Restaurant & Lounge Offerings
Use custom cigar bands as a marketing, advertising, or promo for your business.
Every cigar smoker is different, and that’s why RHJ offers a wide range of custom options. Whether you’re looking for a simple, elegant label or a more creative design, RHJ can help you create the perfect label for your cigars.